Popcorn Quinoa with Yogurt, Pomegranate, Figs & Pecans

Popcorn Quinoa with Yogurt, Pomegranate, Figs, and Pecans
Serves 4

What is quinoa (pronounced keenwah)? While quinoa is usually considered to be a whole grain similar to rice, wheat, and Kamut, it is actually a seed that is harvested from a species of a plant called goosefoot. It can be prepared like a whole grain, although it is officially part of a group of pseudocereals. It is more closely related to spinach and beets.

Quinoa is versatile. Try it as a salad or serve it with a vegetable stir-fry instead of rice. Quinoa is a great substitute for meat because it is a good source of protein, along with legumes and nuts. John Hopkins Medical Center, recommends going meatless once a week to reduce saturated fat intake by up to 15 percent. You can also have quinoa for breakfast as an alternative to oatmeal. Toast it lightly in a pan to give it popcorn like texture. Add yogurt, a sprinkle of pecans, pomegranate seeds, and freshly picked North Carolina figs for a fabulous start to your day.

½ cup raw pecans
½ cup raw quinoa, white and red
2 cups Greek yogurt
4 figs each cut in half
½ cup pomegranate seeds
4 teaspoons honey (optional)

How to make:
Preheat the oven to 350◦F. Place the pecans on a sheet pan and pop into the oven to roast for 5 to 8 minutes or until crisp and aromatic. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Roughly chop.

Place the quinoa into a saucepan. Cover and place the pan onto the stove over medium heat. Allow the quinoa to pop just like popcorn. Shake the pan to ensure even cooking and to avoid burning the quinoa. Remove the pan from the stove when the popping sound stops. Leave to cool.

Divide the yoghurt between four breakfast bowls. Sprinkle over the puffed quinoa, pecans, pomegranate seeds, sliced figs, and finish with a swirl of honey if desired.

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