Easy-peasy Soda Bread

Easy-peasy Soda Bread

I love the smell of food cooking, whether it’s on the stove, in the oven, or on the grill. The aromas always mean that something good is about to happen. Think about how wonderful it is to walk into a friend’s house and smell freshly brewed coffee or the piquant, hot, fiery aroma of spices blending together in a sauté pan when you’re making a curry. The heavenly smell of a freshly picked peach is fruity, full-bodied, full-flavored, lusty, and potent. It makes you want to experience the sensual sensation of biting its flesh and letting the juice dribble down your chin.

These smells, tastes, appearances, textures, and mouth feel of food is one of the best pleasures you have each and every day. You get to choose what you eat on a daily basis that will make you feel good and be happy. Choosing good food to consume makes all the difference to your state of mind and physical well-being.

Another aroma that I treasure is the smell of freshly baked bread. This simple recipe, as my wife said, is so lovely and pleasing. It’s worth making it part of the good foods you eat on a regular basis.

Easy-peasy Soda Bread
Serves 8

2½ cups self-rising flour, sieve
2 tablespoon caster sugar, sieve
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, sieve
¼ teaspoon sea salt, sieve
1 cup almond milk

How to make:

Preheat oven to 400°F. Place an 8-pint casserole dish with lid into the oven to heat up. Place everything into a blender, and blend until the dough is soft but not too sticky. Add a little flour to your work bench and shape the loaf into a ball approximately 4 inches in thickness.

Carefully remove the casserole dish from the oven, and remove the lid. Lightly dust the inside of the casserole dish with flour before dropping the dough into the dish. Cover with the lid and return to the oven.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes then carefully remove from the oven. Leave to cool slightly for five minutes. Remove the lid and tip the loaf from the casserole dish. Enjoy while warm.

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