Month: June 2017

  • Flat Bread Shrimp

    Flat Bread Shrimp

    Flat Bread Shrimp Who doesn’t like delicious, hot, flat bread? I know all three of my boys do. I like to make my own base and toppings. Store bought, I don’t normally do. I like to know what I’m making and what I am about to eat. So you can follow my flat bread recipe…

  • Summer Clam Stew

    Summer Clam Stew

    Summer Clam Stew The summer is here, and it’s great to be out in the fresh air. Every lunch time, I take a break from either the hectic kitchen or my busy office and walk one mile around the campus where I work. It’s wonderful to feel the sun on my skin and the blood…

  • Curried Onion & Cauliflower Hummus

    Curried Onion & Cauliflower Hummus

    Curried Onion & Cauliflower Hummus I love hummus! I remember my first taste of this dish back in the 1990’s while traveling through Crete. I sat outside a “taverna” overlooking the turquoise blue sea of the Mediterranean. I can still feel the warmth of the sun on my face and that smooth breeze from the…